Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 23: The Weather

The weather is warm. No. It's hot as balls. No. It's actually hotter than balls. Currently its a cool 85 degrees, but for the past 4 days it has been over 95 degrees. Boo. Effin. Hiss. I am not a fan. I went to South Carolina and the weather was so perfect it felt like the air knew what temperature to be to convince me to be there. 

That was boring. Ok, so what I really wanted to say about weather is that it is a terrible crutch in conversation. I immediately lose a hair of respect for someone who starts to tell you about the weather once the conversation lulls. The weather should only be mentioned in passing when its been so monotonously beautiful that its grandeure is lost. 

So **cough cough** Weather:
The weather today (because this is a two parter blog about 2 weeks apart) is chilly. It's silly that we call it fall. It's 65 degrees with a high of 70, but we call it fall weather. The only difference is the days are shorter.

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