Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 21: a limerick for the wee one

I stopped in to defecate on her adorned throne
She heard me pontificate and asked me for a bone

I let her know right off the bat that all she'd do is shame
She huffed and puffed, and kicked and spat-- said I'd done the same.

The witches said things might take this turn, but I had to take a chance
The blood that shares our veins might burn but I thought we'd overcome the can'ts. 

I returned to the pire and begged the witches for the cure
"courage is sold to the biggest buyer, make sure your intentions are pure.

Did you want her to take flight, for the sake of touching the sky?
Or did you want proof of your own fight? Looking down from your own throne up high?"

My mouth clamped shut, my heart thrummed in my chest
My thoughts were cut, to the little who's life needed the best.

Who's little heart was broken and trampled and beaten and forgotten
Who's life was damned and crumpled, and left begotten

I remembered where she came from, I remembered her sad little eyes
My heart was torn from where she could go to where she'd come, 

And I remembered that the good shephard, let us go our own way.
I remembered being on the cusp of a great flying bird, or becoming a wisp or fray. 

I'll never know what course of events, let me make my choice,
but the greater lesson in all that time spent, is that the time came and I gained a voice

I want to make her path go with mine, I want the common ground
But we are simply a divided vine, that was never really bound.

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