Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 30: What have you stolen?

Stealing is such an interesting crime. Most crimes have severity to it. Like, murdering someone is worse than rolling through a stop sign; unless you roll through the stop sign and hit someone. Stealing is like its own diminsion of crime. We don't incarcerate for stolen candy. Similarly, there is an age gradient... well, more like a bell curve. Children and seniors get away with anything. And then each has their own individual concept of what is worse than something else. Like, "I'd steal this bottle of milk but I would never steal a steak." Of course, and finally, we have the illucive Intention. "Well, I planned on returning it." or "I simply needed to feed my family." Frankly the subjectivity of our court system is bizarre. 

But enough about the rest of the world and on to me. I have stolen: Chocolate milk. And occasionally food from the restaurant I worked at when I was in college. And then, I wouldn't even say I stole it. I would clock out early by 15 minutes-ish. Thus, giving them back 2 dollars or so. So realistically I borrowed against my own time. You see? Excuses. And this is why I am thankful we have a forgiving, and I'll bet, eye rolling God. Stealing is the easiest thing to divy sin affiliation to. You could go smalll time and discuss cursing or taking the lord's name in vain but stealing is easy. Eye. For. A. Fing. Eye. It doesn't get more serious than that. I do not regret it. I'm sure most people would say, "If you would steal a little bottle of chocolate milk what say's you wont steal my money? or steal something big time?" And its because I simply don't have motive. I've been working in people's homes for 5 years and its never been a temptation. 

Once when my step sister was 3-4 we went into a store and when we walked out she'd taken one of those gross "Cow Tail" chewy candy things. I must have been between the ages of 9-12. But I made her go back and turn it in. Seems hypocritical doesn't it? 

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