Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 11: What do you keep in your wallet/purse

The vessel has changed many times over the years, but the materials remain the same. 

My purse is yellow. It is leather, and has one large flap. The button to close it is a twisty button. In the outer pouch is 2 types of lip...stuff? I don't think Burt's bees constitutes the title of "lipstick" but, its tinted. Then I have a set of Brian's keys, and a pair of nail clippers-- you can do a lot with nail clippers. 
Finally, and my secret (I know you might anticipate a flask of vodka or a single hitter pipe), I have a tiny vial of advil. 

In the big flap I have 3 bart cards, a red wallet with mostly cards that I don't need; like 4 year old insurance cards, and movie membership cards that don't have any theaters within 200 miles. I have a fireman's badge sticker, a Hamsa Chai necklace made by a halocaust survivor, 1.5 pairs of earrings, random benefit cards like cvs cards, that I never use, my phone, and tiny crumbs/pebbles that the kids I nanny believe to be the most precious gem in the world. 

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