Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 15: Use the phrase "Growing like a weed"

I stepped through the fence of fire, and found the witches there
I craned my neck along the pyre, and saw the little's hair.

I two stepped stairs steep to summit, but finally  I ARRIVE!
Just to see the blanket plummet, and the worst I could surmise.

The little not so little now, was growing like a weed
The little swaddled moments ago, wow, with such great speed

Has no more ribbons in her hair, no goofiness to lose
She has burdens broad to bear, where once she stood aloof.

My heart begins to ache for her, as the witch calls out my name
She says my job is to lure, her out--the time we've left's no game

"Because all young girls long to live bigger than they are 
But they need a heart to give, with out it they won't go far"

I wondered where I might start, and how to give her wings
the little grabbed my juicy heart, and gave it one tight squeeze.

I thought about what I would do, If I went at it again
I would go and act and view, as much as I possibly can.

I wouldn't let fear hold me back, or shame glue me down
My heart would love, throb and thwack, I'd never touch the ground

So what could I give the little that I couldn't give myself?

I'd give every ounce of courage and support I could. 
Nothing is something if you compare yourself to that brood.
Something is something if it matters to you
but nothing is nothing if its something you can't do.

And sometimes cant's and dont-want-to's aren't that far apart
and in moments like that when the panic sets in, I'd say listen to your heart.

'Success is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed'*
but success is measured in your own heart's content, no one else's- indeed.

* single line from Emily Dickenson's "Success is counted sweetest"

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