Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 19: List 20 things that annoy you and expand on one

Again with the negativity! How about I write 10 things that annoy me, 10 things that make life worth living, and expand upon one of those. 

Things that annoy me:
1. Being trapped on the bottom deck of a ferry behind a wall of stupid bicyclists. I was a bicyclist, but I wasn't stupid.
2. People who take children to a restaurant and let their kids scream.
3. People who don't follow basic transportation rules (stay left, don't veer into traffic, etc, etc)
4. People who get barfy drunk in public. 
5. Shitting on other people to make yourself feel better.
6. Yelling. I hate it, actually.
7. Disrespecting the position of the president. You don't have to like him, but I can't stand when people say anyone should die. He is a human. 
8. People who talk while the teacher is talking. My RAS is low, and I am easily distracted.
9. Annoyed is a mild term, but I am [insert gambit of feelings] when I hear of a woman giving birth on someone else's terms. 
10. half assed or no assed parents. The next generation deserves better.

Things that make life worth living:
1. Sex. And yea, it's number 1 for a reason.
2. The moment you know you've made an impact on someone's life
3. The few months in a toddler's life when their vocabulary explodes. 
4. Making a friend, and knowing that person will stick around for a decade or two.
5. When a baby falls asleep in your arms
6. Encouraging someone to do what they want (in my case, pursuing higher education or choosing their own birth plan)
7. Reflecting on good times with people who've transitioned, and feeling the deep mourn for those loved ones. 
8. Proving people wrong. ;)
9. Cuddling
10. Laughing. 

I would say 1 and 10 are most important. However, to keep things appropriate for my mother who now reads my blog (hey mom!) I'll talk about laughing. My fiance gets so annoyed by giggling girls. It's kind of understandable, but having been a giggling girl once (and sometimes still) I have to say that he is simply missing out. One of my favorite feelings in the world is laughing until you cry. And maybe it's not the actual laughing that is so vital, but I think feeling comfortable enough with the people around you to laugh that hard is the best part. Most recently I was taking a pole class with my friend (since she took such sweet care of Agent Vidal, we'll call her The Caretaker). The caretaker and I were in 6' heels and she did a Peter Pan spin, went to land and slipped. She, with her superior upper body strength caught herself and landed, gracefully for the situation, on her knees. I laughed so hard I had to leave class. 

Also, side note: this blog makes me happy. I don't really get to know who any of you are unless you comment, but its really nice to be able to write to such a vast and anonymous audience. I am thankful for you.

Thanks for reading!

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